Tuesday, September 23, 2008

sept 11 attack (Impact)



-2,974 people died in the attacks.

-24 are missing and presumed dead.

-The majority of casualties were civilians, including nationals of over 90 different

-The rescue and recovery workers were exposed to airborne contaminants following
the buildings' collapse.


-Numerous incidents of harassment and hate crimes were reported.

-Sikhs were also targeted because Sikh males usually wear turbans,
which are stereotypically associated with Muslims in the United States.

-There were reports of verbal abuse, attacks on mosques and other
religious buildings (including the firebombing of a Hindu temple) and
assaults on people, including one murder


-The New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange and NASKAQ did not
open on September 11 and remained closed until September 17.

-When the stock markets reopened on, the Dow Jones Industrial Average stock
market index fell 7.1%

-U.S. stocks lost $1.2 trillion in value for the week.


-Following the attacks, President Bush's job approval rating soared to

-The highly visible role played by New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani
won him high praise nationally and in New York.

-US Congress passed and President Bush signed the Homeland Security
Act of 2002, USA patriot Act and National Security Agency Operation.

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