Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sept 11 attack (Feedback)

Public Feedback

Above all other initiatives implemented by the Bush Administration, the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are the most direct approaches the United States has taken toward combating terrorism. Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have made the United States safer from terrorist attacks. By going after the terrorists, instead of letting them come to you, you keep them on the run and effectively limit their ability to plan and carry out terrorist attacks. The fact of the matter is, that the terrorists are too busy fighting the U.S, to strike us again. This is not to say that they are unable to hit us, but the war makes it considerably more difficult for the terrorists to carry out an offensive. Ultimately, the United States will prevail in Iraq and lay a foundation for a democratic Iraqi Government. Once this is achieved, the terrorist networks will begin to unfold and the likelihood of attacks will decrease.
-Alton H

The "security measures" had one purpose only: to keep Americans afraid, specifically afraid of questioning the government as it chipped away at our Civil Liberties. The fake security measures we unnecessary because the administration had all the tools it needed to prevent 9/11 but chose not to use them. It knew that another one would not happen if they didn't want it to. Additional measures were not needed to make us safe, just to make us feel safe.
-Chris S

We have terminated the responsible threat in the first place, however Americans were already marked in other country's and now because of this war on terror that situation has become worse.

There is no doubt that the Department of Homeland Security is a beneficial agency for protecting the United States against terrorist activity. One of our major weaknesses against preventing terrorist attacks came from the inability to coordinate strategic operations with coexisting agencies.
the Patriot Act is not a threat to the typical American citizen and is probably a necessity in giving authorities the ability to respond to imminent attacks before they happen.

-Franz Carl

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