Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sept 11 attacks (our view)

My opinion

A recent news media interview with Omar, the son of Osama Bin Laden. He revealed reaction "maybe" when asked if his father was responsible for 911. We need him to elaborate on that one. It would prove what so many intelligent people already know. It is impossible for the planes alone to bring down those towers. The government of Saudi Arabia worked closely with top U.S. officials in major initiatives to solve the bin Laden problem with diplomacy.

My opinion

Several measures were taken by US government after the 911 attack. One of them is War on Terrorism, and it has been argued whether it is justified or not. In my opinion, it is not justified. I do not believe that the war has brought any positive changes to America or to Iraq. Loss of innocent lives was the only result of it. It did not help Iraq to be able to defend themselves or find the America's enemy. As for the other measures like baggage and passenger screening or thorough protection of air craft, I think they are necessary even though it may be inconvenient for many people. These are the least we could do to prevent another terror.

My oponion on the 911 attacks.

From my opinion, i think that the people suffering during the 911 attacks were poor and i felt sad for them because they were innocent. For those people who their family members have passed away, i felt very sad and miserable for them. It is not their fault and they need to suffer this pain. No words can describe their feelings when they knew that their family members had just passed away. They were in pain, heart broken and they can't find any help.

Some of them can't find their family member's dead body. They don't even have the chance to see them when they passed away. This is a very sad thing because every family member is important to them. A family can't bear to leave each other. So i think we can help them by giving them hope or make them believe that life should go on. Forget all the unhappiness and a happy life awaits you in the future.

My opinion

I feel that after the attack happen, people from over the world started to take more precaution, however there are still some people who does not take it seriously and does not bother to take any action against the terrorist. The current measures taken by the US government are not effective enough to prevent another attack from happening.

My oponion on the 911 attacks.

From my opinion, i think that the people suffering during the 911 attacks were poor and i felt sad for them because they were innocent. For those people whom their family members have passed away, i felt very sad and miserable for them. It is not their fault that they should suffer this pain. No words can describe their feelings when they knew that their family members had just passed away. They were in pain, heart -broken and they could not find any help.

Some of them could not find their family member. They don't even have the chance to see them when they passed away. This is a very sad thing because every family member is important to them. A family can't bear to leave each other. So I think we can help them by giving them hope or make them believe that life should go on. Forget all the unhappiness and a happy life awaits you in the future.

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